I want you to imagine right now a situation where you don't even think about what you spend your money on.
Because it's so attainable, that you'll just acquire more of it.
For me, when I was living back in my brothers garage first trying to make my way in this world...
That thought seemed impossible as I barely had two pennies to rub together.
But deep down in my gut I felt there had to be a way, because I saw other people online doing it...
So I stopped listening to everyone around me.
They were working boring day jobs, that they hated and if I wanted to be different, I had to get different advice.
So I started seeking out ways to do things differently...
I wanted something I could do online and not have to meet with people or talk to anyone on the phone.
...Yeah I'm a little anti-social, lol.
If you like talking to people that's great, you'll thrive here too, but it's not a requirement.